


髙橋 桂子

午後1時半に正門にて女性活躍総合研究所長?助手の髙本裕子さんと待ち合わせ。その後、女性活躍総合研究所のある本館会議室にて所長で副学長の高橋享子先生から直接、MUKOJO未来教育プログラムSOAR についてお話を伺いました。概要を紹介します。
?女性活躍総合研究所は2020年に設立された。SOAR はその2年後にスタートしたプログラム。武庫女で学ぶ全学部全学科の女子大学生たちの学びの基盤となるプログラムを展開すべく、研究所メンバーを中心とするSOAR委員会でfree talking を行った。そこでは一生涯をきり拓く力、ジェンダー、無意識の偏見、キャリアデザイン?ライフプランなどがキー概念としてあがった。これらを骨格としてSOAR は構成されている。
?「SOAR 人生100 年をきり拓く力」をSOAR 導入講義として、入学式直後のオリエンテーション期間に、3-4 学部(全12学部)の新入生を講堂に集め1コマ80分で3 テーマ(ジェンダー?セクシュアリティ、キャリアデザイン、ライフプラン)について講義している。
?共通教育科目「SOAR 人生100 年をきり拓く力」はon demand?選択科目、定員150 名、前期?後期それぞれに同一内容で開講している。定員150 名に対し約600 名のエントリーがある(1 学年約2,500 人)。今年度はジェンダー?セクシュアリティ、キャリアデザイン、ライフプランに加え、女性のためのヘルスケア、女性と法、マーケティング、外資系企業でのキャリアデザイン、国際活動など総勢11 名の教員によるオムニバス講義を展開している。講義後に毎回、5 問ほどの課題レポート (Google フォーム)も実施している。


Visit to Mukogawa Women's University to learn more about SOAR

On Monday, August 5th, after the first semester, Dr. Komaya and Dr. Takahashi visited two women's universities in the Kansai region, Konan Women's University (Higashinada-ku, Kobe City) and Mukogawa Women's University (Ikebiraki-cho, Nishinomiya City). The purpose of the visit was to learn more about leadership education at Konan Women's University and Mukogawa Women's University's MUKOJO Future Education Program SOAR in detail (for the former, please refer to Dr. Kamaya’s report).

At 1:30 p.m., we met Ms. Takamoto, Assistant Director of the Research Institute for Women's Career Advancement and Gender Equality Development, at the main gate guard. After that, we heard directly from Dr. Kyoko Takahashi, Director and Vice President of the Research Institute, about SOAR in the conference room of the main building. Here is an overview.
This Research Institute was established in 2019; SOAR is a program that started three years later. Free talking was conducted to develop a program that would serve as a foundation for all faculties and departments studying at Mukojo. The key concepts that emerged were gender, unconscious bias, the ability to carve out a lifetime, women who can speak logically, and career design and life planning, etc. SOAR is structured around these key concepts.
The essence of "SOAR: The Power to Pioneer 100 Years of Life" is presented as SOAR introductory lectures during the orientation period immediately following the entrance ceremony (during which students wear ceremonial clothes), with 80-110 minutes, given to three themes (gender and sexuality, career design, and life planning) jointly by three or four faculties in the lecture hall.
The Liberal arts education subject "SOAR: The Power to Pioneer 100 Years of Life" is an on-demand, elective course for 150 students, offered in the first and second semesters with the same content. This year, in addition to gender and sexuality, career design, and life planning, a total of 11 faculty members who are members of this Research Institute are giving omnibus lectures on women and law, marketing, and career design in foreign-affiliated companies, etc. 5-question survey (by Google Form) is conducted after each lecture.
In order for a single institute to take the initiative in implementing university-wide initiatives, it is essential to obtain a "university consensus“. Therefore, before SOAR was implemented, a presentation was made to the Chancellor, the President, the Deans of the Faculty, and other senior members of the school. The president of the university said that he was very impressed with our efforts, and we were able to launch very smart.

Why don't you start a new lecture similar to this we offer at Shimoda Utako Memorial Center for Research on Women?