
Hello everyone.
I am Kennedy from the Netherlands and I have just finished my exchange program at Jissen Woman’s University. I had an amazing time here! The school is very friendly, especially the employees working in the international affairs department and the teachers are very friendly. Everyone is willing to help when needed. I liked all classes and I always went with a smile. It is hard to pick a favourite class because they were all really interesting and educational. The teachers worked really hard providing me with a lot of knowledge in the time given.
I also decided to join club activities while studying here. I joined the calligraphy club and the Naginata club. They both were really unique. Even before coming here, I knew I wanted to join the calligraphy club because I liked that I could use my creativity and still be practising my Japanese. The reason I wanted to join the Naginata club was because I wanted to learn a traditional Japanese sport that is not well known in the West. Both teachers have taught me a lot and I will be forever grateful for the cultural knowledge they have given me.
The school provided multiple fun opportunities to make friends with the Japanese students at both campuses. For example, I had conversation partners on both campuses and there was also an activity called “Kaffeeklatsch”. With your conversation partner, you could practise your Japanese, which I really loved. Eventually, I became good friends with all the students involved. There was also an activity called “Kaffeeklatsch”. This was a group effort activity. All the Dutch exchange students were involved. We had to prepare and organise the “Kaffeeklatsch” in both the Hino Campus (for our Japanese skills) and the Shibuya Campus (English practice for Japanese students). Here again, I was able to make good friends.
The memories and the experience at Jissen Women’s University will forever stay with me. Thank you, Jissen Women’s University, for this amazing experience!

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