Formation of an Academic and International Center
for Research into The Tale of Genji

10th Anniversary of Classics Day Forum in Tokyo 2019" (November 19)

The diary of Murasaki Shikibu for November 1 of the year 5 of the Kano Era (1008) is the first record from which the existence of The Tale of Genji can be ascertained. To commemorate this event, The Act of Classics Day was established in 2012 and November 1 became the official date for Classics Day.

In 2019, the Committee for the Promotion of Classics Day and Jissen Women’s University marking the 120th anniversary of its foundation signed a partnership agreement to mark their ties with Murasaki Shikibu, leading to organization of the "10th Anniversary of the Classics Day Forum in Tokyo 2019."

Based on the theme of “Enjoying “The Tale of Genji” with the Five Senses,” lectures were given by Hideki Togi, Master of ancient Japanese court music, Masataka Hata, president of the Shoyeido Incense company and Sarasa Yoshioka of Somenotsukasa Yoshioka, famous for its natural plant-derived dyes.

Dates, Times and Venue

[Date and Times] November 19 (Tuesday), 2019, 13:00 to 16:05 (Reception opens at 12:00)
[Venue] Toyokan Hall of the Jissen Joshi Gakuen Junior & Senior High School

"Announcement of Classics Day"
Opening Address and Congratulatory Speech
Commemorative Lecture: Enjoying The Tale of Genji with the Five Senses

I "Thoughts on The Tale of Genji - Feelings of Light -"
    Hideki Togi (Master of ancient Japanese court music)
Ⅱ "The Fragrances of the Court"
    Masataka Hata (President of the Shoyeido Incense company)
Ⅲ "Spinning the Colors of a Thousand Years"
    Sarasa Yoshioka (6th Generation, Somenotsukasa Yoshioka)

Event Report


Hideki Togi (Master of ancient Japanese court music) "Thoughts on The Tale of Genji - Feelings of Light -"

As well as giving performances of the music appearing in The Tale of Genji and in other literature of the Heian Period on the Sho (Wind instrument resembling panpipes), Hichiriki (Small double-reed bamboo wind instrument) and Ryuteki (Bamboo transverse flute), Master Togi, wearing a “Kariginu,” informal attire worn by men of the nobility of the Heian Period, also gave descriptions in such a way that the audience could imagine the world view of The Tale of Genji.
Through descriptions of what kind of expressions each of the instruments was capable of and scenarios in which they were used in the tale, the audience gained a deeper understanding not only of the relationship between The Tale of Genji and music, but also of The Tale of Genji itself.

Master Togi brought his performance to and end with the words, “As Japanese people, it important that we understand and take pride in Japanese culture, and even more so amidst the international society in the future.”


Masataka Hata (President of the Shoyeido Incense Company)The Fragrances of the Court

Based on the theme of “Dynastic culture and fragrances,” as he explained how incense that came to Japan from China permeated Japanese culture, Mr. Hata also touched on the course of history.
Mr. Hata also talked about how the word “Nioi,” or fragrance, as used in The Tale of Genji expresses not only fragrance, but also colors, expanding on how to read and appreciate classical works.

As he continued his talk, Mr. Hata burned “Umegae,” an incense appearing in the “Umegae (Plum Tree Branch)” chapter of the Tale of Genji, filling the hall with its fragrance.


Sarasa Yoshioka, (6th Generation, Somenotsukasa Yoshioka) Spinning the Colors of a Thousand Years

Talking on the subject of the traditions of dyeing textiles with natural plant-derived dyes, Ms. Yoshioka explained the dyeing process, and focused particularly on the expressiveness of “purple,” a color she especially values.
As well as describing a scene from the “Tamakazura” chapter of The Tale of Genji depicting “Kinukubari,” the custom of sending colorful attire at the end of the year for the New Year, Ms. Yoshioka also talked about the colors of the attire worn by princesses in the Tale of Genji, giving the lecture and enjoyable visual aspect.

Actual dyes using plant-derivatives were also exhibited outside the hall so that participants could enjoy a hands-on experience before and after the talk.